Matt Fint.

My name is Matt Fint from Harrodsburg Kentucky.. I race NMRA Coyote Stock in my 98 BAB Cobra with a sealed gen 3 Coyote backed by a g- force G101A transmission.. I also run a lot of local heads up stick races and some no prep.. My Team consist of my Dad Billy Fint as crew chief and Jacob Lamb as teammate.. My fiancé Sarah and my 3 daughters Elsie, Kopelynn and Natalie support me and enjoy being at the track with me.. My car was built in a one car garage.. All the work has been done my myself, dad, jacob and Jermey Lines did my cage.. I’ve owned this car since 2009 which I bought bone stock from the second owner.. I raced it for a few years then it went dormant while my addiction to alcohol took over my life.. I struggled for years and was finally able to get almost 2 years clean.. I had a slip up in 20-21 but I’m back on track.. I’ll be coming up on 1 year this summer.. I’ve leaned a lot about myself during that time.. If it wasn’t for family and friends pushing me I wouldn’t be back behind the wheel.. I love the sport with everything I have but I love it even more when my fiancé and girls get to enjoy it with me..