
Race-Gas / Motorsports Fuel and Equipment, Inc.

Motorsports Fuel and Equipment is a company that develops products and services that are unique to the motorsports market place. Our flagship brand Race-Gas, is one of the fastest growing product lines in the North American market. RACE GAS FUEL CONCENTRATE Family of Products RACE GAS is a specially formulated fuel concentrate that transforms gasoline from any gas station into high octane/high energy racing fuel suitable for competition and professional use. HOW IS RACE GAS DIFFERENT? RACE GAS is a race fuel concentrate. The purpose of the product is to create racing fuel out of pump gasoline from any gas station. So what does this mean? First, other products on the market only raise the octane a few points but do not raise the octane to that of racing fuel. RACE GAS has been tested and proven to increase the octane of pump gas to as high as 100 to 105 AKI, (R+M/2), when blended with gasoline as specified in our blend chart. Second, other products on the market only increase the octane. RACE GAS also raises the chemical / BTU energy of base fuel to equal that of racing fuel. This is very important as low energy with high octane will lean out the engine significantly at Wide Open Throttle. Lastly, RACE GAS blend results are shown in Anti Knock Index, (AKI) or R+M/2. This is the same measurement that race fuel manufactures use to measure the octane of their fuel. Other products on the market blend to the Research Octane Number, (RON). The RON number is a poor representation of octane as it represents the performance of the fuel in the engine at idle. AKI represents the performance of the fuel under load. Race-Gas comes in three formulas: Race-Gas, which will blend up to 105 Octane, (AKI), Race-Gas Ultra, which will blend from 108 to 112 octane and Race-Gas Diesel Performance Plus. Race-Gas Diesel increases the CTANE of diesel fuel by 14 points. It increases the chemical oxygen, lubricates fuel system components and has a detergent agent that will clean the fuel system and injectors. Built by racers, for racers! How do you fuel your passion?

Motorsports Fuel and Equipment is a company that develops products and services that are unique to the motorsports market place. Our flagship brand Race-Gas, is one of the fastest growing product lines in the North American market. RACE GAS FUEL CONCENTRATE Family of Products RACE GAS is a specially formulated fuel concentrate that transforms gasoline from any gas station into high octane/high energy racing fuel suitable for competition and professional use. HOW IS RACE GAS DIFFERENT? RACE GAS is a race fuel concentrate. The purpose of the product is to create racing fuel out of pump gasoline from any gas station. So what does this mean? First, other products on the market only raise the octane a few points but do not raise the octane to that of racing fuel. RACE GAS has been tested and proven to increase the octane of pump gas to as high as 100 to 105 AKI, (R+M/2), when blended with gasoline as specified in our blend chart. Second, other products on the market only increase the octane. RACE GAS also raises the chemical / BTU energy of base fuel to equal that of racing fuel. This is very important as low energy with high octane will lean out the engine significantly at Wide Open Throttle. Lastly, RACE GAS blend results are shown in Anti Knock Index, (AKI) or R+M/2. This is the same measurement that race fuel manufactures use to measure the octane of their fuel. Other products on the market blend to the Research Octane Number, (RON). The RON number is a poor representation of octane as it represents the performance of the fuel in the engine at idle. AKI represents the performance of the fuel under load. Race-Gas comes in three formulas: Race-Gas, which will blend up to 105 Octane, (AKI), Race-Gas Ultra, which will blend from 108 to 112 octane and Race-Gas Diesel Performance Plus. Race-Gas Diesel increases the CTANE of diesel fuel by 14 points. It increases the chemical oxygen, lubricates fuel system components and has a detergent agent that will clean the fuel system and injectors. Built by racers, for racers! How do you fuel your passion?

Motorsports Fuel and Equipment, Inc. / Race-Gas Burnsville, MN US 855-722-3427

joined 3 years ago

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